Friday, October 19, 2007

FAU student accused of sexual assault

A student who has been accused of sexually assaulting two females students, was arrested but not on these accusations.

On Saturday, Oct. 13, Christian Finklea was accused of assaulting a female student, who is believed to be an acquaintance, at Florida Atlantic University. Police said they also received an accusation that Finklea had physically assaulted another female student at the University a few weeks prior.

Finklea was arrested on drug possession and possession of liquor by a minor. He was released out on bond, Sunday, Oct. 14. An investigation on the alleged accusations continues and Finklea may face future charges.

Florida Atlantic University police sent out campus-wide e-mails to advise everyone on the incidents, the following Tuesday, Oct. 16. The Palm Beach Post published a story on FLorida Atlantic University's campus police advisory to students a few days after the incidents were reported.

For more information on that story,

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