Friday, October 5, 2007

Seminole Indians face problems

Along with casinos rising up in South Florida, the Seminole Indians drug abuse increases.

According to a drug therapist in a Boca Raton Treatment Center, the Seminole Indians are ignoring their drug abuse problem. Seminole women receive a dividends check from the state of Florida each month for $6,000 a child. These mothers are continuing to have kids to support their drug use, while the children are raised by other family members in the reservation.

Once the children get older, their drug use becomes a problem as well. According to this therapist, there is a high-rate of young Seminole adults who are caught by law enforcement and given two options, jail or treatment. To escape the route of facing jail time, the chiefs place these young adults, between the ages of 18 and 25 at drug treatment centers. Once they rehabilitate, they go back to the same routine. About 95 to 100 percent of them head back to treatment, again.

This problem is increasing as casinos keep rising on every other corner. The state has either not realized the issue, or has decided to look the other way. If the drug use continues and nothing is done about this, the Seminole population might face a population decrease in the years to come.

1 comment:

A White Bear said...

While early 19th century Seminoles would paint their face and hands for special occasions, this practice was no longer done in public by the late 19th century. Note that it was done on special occasions only, to augment one's appearance and power. All face painting should be done sparingly, and with high regard for the occasion. It might not be out of place at a battle re-enactment or for a serious ceremony, but would be entirely inappropriate for an encampment or for a casual demonstration. A reenactor would be misplaced if he painted himself while he lounged around camp, or while stomp dancing in any except a Green Corn Dance.

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